Okay… carrots might not be the first thing you think of when you think EASTER… by why not? Bunny rabbits eat them and we think of these fluffy little critters at EASTER, along with Easter eggs, and daffodils…

Why not get planning NOW for how you want to “DO” Easter and Spring in your home… Some of the days just recently have felt very Spring like, little bit of warmth in the sunshine, little bit of colour in the gardens…

Me being me, I decided to make a SPRING display for my kitchen window sill and the main feature being carrots!

I got my pencil and pad out and did a few sketches, made a pattern (well several actually) made a few fabric carrots up (well, quite a few actually) nothing like a batch of prototypes and came up with these!


I will show you how I made them, but if you want to have a go at making some too, maybe you would buy one of my kits I have for sale for £7.99 from my Etsy shop (go to TheSewingWren) After all, I supply in my kits*, a super selection of lovely orange and green fabric, enough to make six carrots, without the expense of having to buy lots of fabric. I thank you, in advance for your honesty!

*My unique kit includes:- instructions and diagram, pattern template for a quirky carrot and carrot tops shape, six different orange fabric’s and six different green fabric. You will need to supply polyester toy stuffing, reels of thread, and beads which are a matter of choice.

Each carrot is made up from two carrot shapes (orange) and five carrot tops shapes (green). Each carrot is made in exactly the same way, except for the special plain orange fabric one… I stitched tiny little green seed beads randomly all over (which too ages!)


It is important to choose good quality thread, with a close colour match. You will need naturally one orange and green reel for this project. I have, what I consider, some valuable tips and advice on thread choice which I will share with you in a future blog.


For best results for this project use a sewing machine, not and ideal project for hand sewing. You will also need some polyester soft toy stuffing, which is readily available from craft shop, and is inexpensive for a big bag full!


The little green “sprigs” are a bit fiddly, but I have found a great little tool that makes turning small projects inside-out very easily!

I am normally not a big fan of “gadgets” but theses little chaps I would not be without in my sewing basket… I love them! I do have a few spare pairs, if you are interested…



Thank you very much for visiting me again, if you have any questions about “my carrots” please feel free to send me a message, or better still, I hope to see your order on my etsy shop…. thesewingwren “…a little thread goes a long way…”

Best wishes,
Jay X

Hey, please leave me a comment, you can just skip past the email part… hope to hear from you soon, thanks!

Little extra snippet by Soo…

Canada has the longest coast line in the whole world…

4 thoughts on “EASTER CARROTS!

  1. This is such a good idea! And they look so cute in the basket too. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing about the grippy snips too – a handy gadget indeed!

  2. Now I probably will never have the want for bright orange carrots but that is not to say I don’t NEED them. Nice. Keep the interesting blogs coming please. Maxie

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